DITL_1280.txt Items: (9 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=155, y1=74, x2=226, y2=92 Type: 4 Info: 'Register' 1: Bounds: x1=10, y1=15, x2=54, y2=31 Type: -120 Info: 'Nom :' 2: Bounds: x1=10, y1=15, x2=54, y2=31 Type: -120 Info: 'Name :' 3: Bounds: x1=10, y1=42, x2=54, y2=58 Type: -120 Info: 'Code:' 4: Bounds: x1=72, y1=13, x2=260, y2=32 Type: 16 Info: '' 5: Bounds: x1=72, y1=41, x2=260, y2=60 Type: 16 Info: '' 6: Bounds: x1=18, y1=68, x2=50, y2=100 Type: -64 Info: '' 7: Bounds: x1=236, y1=68, x2=268, y2=100 Type: -64 Info: '' 8: Bounds: x1=66, y1=74, x2=137, y2=92 Type: 4 Info: 'Not Yet' DITL_331.txt Items: (1 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=10, y1=10, x2=256, y2=31 Type: -120 Info: 'Loading. Please wait 10 seconds...' DITL_330.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=188, y1=49, x2=246, y2=69 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=10, y1=10, x2=257, y2=43 Type: -120 Info: 'The game needs a 256 colors screen. Sorry ...' DITL_329.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=273, y1=51, x2=331, y2=71 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=10, y1=9, x2=342, y2=47 Type: -120 Info: 'Soory, this game needs a 640x480 pixels screen. See you soon...' DITL_328.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=247, y1=79, x2=305, y2=99 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=10, y1=9, x2=315, y2=74 Type: -120 Info: 'Sorry, not enough memory to launch the game. Go back to the finder and change the memory allocation in the 'Infos' of the application.' DITL_231.txt Items: (1 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=10, y1=10, x2=256, y2=31 Type: -120 Info: 'Loading. Please wait 10 seconds...' DITL_230.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=188, y1=49, x2=246, y2=69 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=10, y1=10, x2=257, y2=43 Type: -120 Info: 'The game needs a 256 colors screen. Sorry ...' DITL_229.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=273, y1=51, x2=331, y2=71 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=10, y1=9, x2=342, y2=47 Type: -120 Info: 'Soory, this game needs a 640x480 pixels screen. See you soon...' DITL_228.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=247, y1=79, x2=305, y2=99 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=10, y1=9, x2=315, y2=74 Type: -120 Info: 'Sorry, not enough memory to launch the game. Go back to the finder and change the memory allocation in the 'Infos' of the application.' DITL_131.txt Items: (1 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=10, y1=10, x2=267, y2=46 Type: -120 Info: 'Un instant de patience s'il-vous-pla”t. Je prˇpare le jeu.' DITL_130.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=246, y1=49, x2=304, y2=69 Type: 4 Info: 'Quitter' 1: Bounds: x1=10, y1=10, x2=307, y2=43 Type: -120 Info: 'Dˇsolˇ ce jeu nˇcessite un ˇcran supportant 256 couleurs . A bient™t s˛rement...' DITL_129.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=273, y1=66, x2=331, y2=86 Type: 4 Info: 'Quitter' 1: Bounds: x1=10, y1=9, x2=343, y2=60 Type: -120 Info: 'Dˇsolˇ ce jeu nˇcessite un ˇcran supportant une dˇfinition 640x480. Je suis obligˇ de quitter. A bient™t s˛rement...' DITL_128.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=247, y1=79, x2=305, y2=99 Type: 4 Info: 'Quitter' 1: Bounds: x1=10, y1=9, x2=315, y2=74 Type: -120 Info: 'Dˇsolˇ je n'ai pas assez de mˇmoire pour lancer le jeu. Retournez sur le bureau pour changer la taille de la mˇmoire allouˇe dans les informations. ' DITL_30.txt Items: (2 entries) 0: Bounds: x1=102, y1=36, x2=160, y2=56 Type: 4 Info: 'Quit' 1: Bounds: x1=7, y1=8, x2=257, y2=28 Type: -120 Info: 'Sorry the registration code is wrong!'